30 Days of Hymns: The Sacred Triad

  1.  birth
  2.  queer lady love
  3.  protection
  4.  prophecy
  5.  fibre arts
  6.  BEEZ
  7.  forging
  8.  keeping the fire alive
  9.  domesticity
  10.  quiet magic
  1. soil
  2. blood
  3. fairy
  4. sexual sovereignty
  5. revolution
  6. cutting away what does not belong no matter the pain
  7. boundaries
  8. taking your fucking cows back
  9. sovereignty
  10. genderfluidity
  1.  apples
  2.  land of the dead
  3.  travel/passage
  4.  family
  5.  laughter
  6.  cranes
  7.  oceans
  8.  storms
  9.  keeping your promises
  10.  feasting

Hymns are posted on my blog shrines, linked with each deity’s name above. Wrap-ups posted at Everyday Magic under the category 30 Hymns projects.

Read the original post here.