For Me, Internet Paganism IS Paganism (so maybe speak for yourself)

Sweet Dionysos I have had it with this fucking bullshit. John Halstead, self-described humanistic pagan, has written yet another blog post wherein he tries to be a gatekeeper of paganism, continuing on his awesome roll of hurting other pagans by acting like an asshole. (I’m not linking it. He doesn’t get traffic from me. You …

Emboatening (and embovining) for Opet

I’m not Kemetic, but I’m participating in Opet this year via the Emboatening Crew on Kiva. Sort of? Basically a bunch of Kemetic friends mark Opet by charitable giving; they call it “emboatening the boatless”. They created a team on Kiva to focus their efforts on loaning money to people in need of boats. You …