Candles (and my ridiculous obsession with them)

For this week’s PBP entry, I’m going to talk about candles. I’m obsessed with candles. Seriously. Take me into a store that’s having a sale on candles and just try and stop me from buying them, why don’t you. (You will be injured. Fair warning.) Actually, I think that’s one of the main reasons I …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 19: Fire element

  Fire was the beginning of the universe, and when it’s snuffed out completely is when things will end, growing dark and cold and compact. Within fire is the ecstasy of creation and the devastation of destruction. It embodies the cycle of death and regeneration. Fire is the source of light, and therefore — enlightenment. …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 17: Picture of nature (fire element)

Granted, this isn’t literal fire, but trees in fall have always spoken of the fire element to me. Add in that it was a very sunny day and one spent on Granville Island — I was happy and in my element, which is, of course, fire.   (Picture taken October 23rd, 2011. I’m posting from …