Twice Weekly Prayers to the D’Angeline Gods

I assure you all, I am still alive. I managed to hurt my back some more this past month, and spent a good deal of September recovering. (See my rants about disability at my Twitter.) While recovering, I was not idle, religiously. In September I wrote three sets of prayers for three pantheons, and then …

30 Days of Paganism: Pantheon — Elua & His Companions

I am only now really starting out on a path of relationship with Elua and his Blessed Companions, though I have felt a strong connection with them for years now. I think I was afraid to explore it because of how people might perceive me, worshipping fictional gods. I don’t really give a fuck now. …

I am not your dancing monkey

Another pagan has written something that’s pissed me off. Again. Are we surprised? No. Yet another screed against pop-culture pagans! Yet another pagan saying “Stop being so WEIRD, otherpagans, you’re making us look bad.” Yet another pagan saying that ALL pagans follow some form of Witchcraft; that we all follow the works of Starhawk, Selena …