Joy & Grief: figuring out my Samhain Advent

I completely dropped the ball on doing fire festival advents this year. In the wave of grief following the death of my friend and the death of my mentor, it seems very important to me that I actually follow through with Samhain advent. Despite living in a house that is spiritually blocking me, in which …

Reflections on Imbolc Advent, 2017

So, this year I attempted an Imbolc Advent, and it went in a very Morag way. First, some explanation: I didn’t do 4 weeks before, I did 3. This was a conscious choice because of my things about the numbers 3 and 4 and how they relate to my path following the Three. There are …

Advents and Anniversaries

I just realized recently that this January is my 7th anniversary of beginning to keep the flame for Brighid and starting up a true devotional relationship with her, as it’s when I requested to join the Cill on TC. (I went through a brief hiatus of being part of the Cill, but the relationship with …

Twice Weekly Prayers to the D’Angeline Gods

I assure you all, I am still alive. I managed to hurt my back some more this past month, and spent a good deal of September recovering. (See my rants about disability at my Twitter.) While recovering, I was not idle, religiously. In September I wrote three sets of prayers for three pantheons, and then …

My Polytheism

I am sort of fried today. Didn’t sleep well, despite the CPAP; think I’ll have to lay off the coffee so late at night. I thought music would help me write but it just distracted me, and I’m sitting here trying to get my thoughts on the page and making typos every other word and …

Half a Deipnon

I decided to attempt to celebrate Hekate’s Deipnon on the 3rd/4th of this month, based on Deipnon described in this post on Patheos (with some alterations, of course). There are two main components to the Deipnon as laid out in that post — a mundane half and a ritual half, though I don’t think there’s …

What I learned this month (about hymn-writing, mostly)

Note: this post contains animated gifs. Setting out to write 30 hymns in 30 days didn’t feel like a super-ambitious goal, initially. I mean, it was a bit daunting, because I’d never written hymns specifically before, but the idea of writing something every day wasn’t scary (even if it was poetry). I figuredĀ it wouldn’t be …

Imbolc and the 30 Days of Hymns project

Happy Imbolc, or Lughnasdh/Lammas if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere! I finished up Imbolc Advent last night before I went to sleep (so, 10:30am), and tonight I’ve got a few Imbolc projects I want to tackle. 1, writing on this blog and my Brighid blog-shrine. 2, cleaning the kitchen. (It’s yikes!ariffic.) 3, changing the hearth …

Welcome, 2016

2015 was a kind of crazy year for me. WordPress was kind enough to do the 2015 blogging report for this blog, because I have Jetpack enabled, and I found it reminded me to actually post something here. If you want to see Everyday Magic’s blogging year in review, you can do so here. What …

30 Days of Paganism: Community

I have reached a stage in my life where I am incredibly interested and concerned in/with building community. I’m getting married in a few months (terrifying); we’ll be having kids in a few years (even scarier); we’re settling down (whaaaat). What keeps coming to mind is the phrase “It takes a village” in reference to …