30 Days of Paganism: Places of spiritual significance

There are two types of “place” that I’m going to talk about here. One is a general type of place. The other is a specific spot in the world that I’d like to make pilgrimage to. General types of places Rivers Why: A few main reasons. Rivers are associated not only with Brighid and (tangentially) Manannan …

30 Days of Paganism: The future of Paganism

I want there to be more for onion-hoers. I want there to be more polytheist/pagan community centres, where people of all pagan stripes can rent rooms for classes, hold weekly get togethers, do ritual, meet for coffee, drop their kids off for religious education…the list goes on. I want frameworks put together for general eclectic …

30 Days of Paganism: Community

I have reached a stage in my life where I am incredibly interested and concerned in/with building community. I’m getting married in a few months (terrifying); we’ll be having kids in a few years (even scarier); we’re settling down (whaaaat). What keeps coming to mind is the phrase “It takes a village” in reference to …

Personal Boundaries and Public Displays of Religion and/or Spirituality

This is a topic that comes up fairly frequently whenever you get a bunch of pagans together. It’s bound to; we live in a society that continually privileges Christianity over other religions or spiritual beliefs, and as such it will privilege the presence of public displays of Christianity over anything else. This post isn’t about …

Home from Neverland

I got home from Pirates and Faeries late Monday evening. I’m still in recovery mode. I also talked about my Cill shift over the weekend at Milk, Honey, and Fire, and about worshipping at the temple* over at Seafoam and Vanilla. *I mean sex. I’m talking about having sex in Aphrodite’s Temple. Just, you know, …

Jukebox, mental illness, ritual, and community

then she drinks herself up and out of her kitchen chair and she dances out of time as slow as she can sway as long as she can say this dance is mine this dance is mine One of my favourite musical artists is Ani DiFranco. She’s a folk-rock-political singer-songwriter-righteous babe-freak. The first song I …

Psuedonyms, Privilege, and Accountability

Trigger warning: mention of rape, abuse, death threats, e-bullying; use of a word that’s often used as a slur as description of sexual orientation; privilege denying people. I had two separate run-ins, arguments, disagreements, whatever, with two different people this summer. The arguments were about completely different things, but each person holds the belief that …

Covered in Light and my experience veiling today

A scarf does not oppress people. People oppress people. -Covered in Light Today is the Covered in Light International Day (or International Choice to Veil Day), an event started by Covered in Light in order to give support to women who choose to veil their hair for religious reasons. Basically, women who choose to veil …

“Queering Paganism,” or Let Your Freak Flag Fly

So, I read this blog post this week, and I really want to address the idea that we, as pagans, need to make ourselves normal to break away from negative stereotypes. (Note: I’m not singling out this blog post for any reason other than it happens to be the most recent thing I’ve read that …

Fat-Shaming In Pagandom — a story

I want to share this story from a friend of mine. Back in May, my friend — let’s call her Rachel — went to a Beltaine celebration. This celebration was attended by various mutual friends of ours; bunch of local pagans. Rachel has food allergies and eating disorders. Most notably, she’s a recovering anorexic and …