30 Days of Paganism: Other paths I’ve explored

This should be a pretty short post. I’ve explored and learned about many other religions, but very few have I looked at with the actual intent of going further than just “studying because I’m interested”. I’ve taken religion classes and done my own studying of other religions. But honestly, I haven’t really strayed from some …

Restlessness and Ramblings

If you’re visiting the blog itself and not reading from a feed or email, you probably notice something different. As in, the entire theme. I get bored easily. I’m a creature of change. I like flame because it’s never static. I need earth in my life just to centre me and ground me long enough …

Jukebox, mental illness, ritual, and community

then she drinks herself up and out of her kitchen chair and she dances out of time as slow as she can sway as long as she can say this dance is mine this dance is mine One of my favourite musical artists is Ani DiFranco. She’s a folk-rock-political singer-songwriter-righteous babe-freak. The first song I …

The Time of Culling

I’ve always had trouble with this time of year, from a “earth-worshiping-pagan-who-celebrates-Wiccish-holidays-more-or-less” standpoint. Lammas/Lughnasadh and the Autumn Equinox always feel so disconnected to me. They really shouldn’t, because they are actually at the perfect time for harvest in the climate into which I was born — there’s a reason Canadian Thanksgiving is in early October, …

Orthodoxy vs. Orthopraxy

In case you need more Morag this week, I’ve also posted at Maenads of the (R)Evolution (MaRE for short), my project with partner-in-crime-and-awesomeness Daniel Grey (aka Sage or Danny). As well, Veggiewolf also did a post on Obesity for Pagan Blog Project, and it’s pretty damn good. You should read it. Now. On to the second O. (Sounds …

My current altar for the Hellenic deities

My altar to the Hellenic deities is still a work in progress, but I’m slowly getting there. I suppose it began with Hecate. I’d already made the decision to start to worship the Hellenic deities and had set up one shrine — to Hestia — before Spring Mysteries Fest. But it didn’t really become an …

Messages from the Muses

I mentioned yesterday that I had a tarot reading on Saturday night. I went into the first half of the reading in that post, and what it told me; as that post was 1000 words already I decided to talk about the second half of the reading in a separate post. Also, this has an …

Nature Journalling

I ordered a copy of Keeping a Nature Journal: Discover a Whole New Way of Seeing the World Around You by Clare Walker Leslie and Charles E. Roth a while ago, and it arrived this week. I’m only about 31 pages into it, but skimming through the rest of it to see what it contains …

Holiday Reorganization (PBP catch-up)

Holidays are something I’ve not quite got a handle on yet. I’ve got ideas and thoughts about most of them, but actually getting down to celebrating them…eghh. That doesn’t happen as often as it should. And now that I’m back to making a real, solid attempt at the Dedicant’s Path for ADF, I really should …

Ostara (2011)

So I’ve had a very…depressing month. Teachers at my school are on strike right now and it’s sort of drained all my energy and will to do anything. I haven’t posted blogs, I haven’t done homework, I haven’t written anything, and I sure as hell haven’t really been a Witch. On the list of things …