Reflections on Imbolc Advent, 2017

So, this year I attempted an Imbolc Advent, and it went in a very Morag way. First, some explanation: I didn’t do 4 weeks before, I did 3. This was a conscious choice because of my things about the numbers 3 and 4 and how they relate to my path following the Three. There are …

Fire in the Head

When you sit smothered in the wool of mediocrity feeling your creativity seep away like water through the earth light a candle and speak My name “Brighid I call you Brighid I beg you Wake up what’s lost Find what’s asleep Let the fire rage deep.” I will burn the wool away give you precious …

Orthodoxy vs. Orthopraxy

In case you need more Morag this week, I’ve also posted at Maenads of the (R)Evolution (MaRE for short), my project with partner-in-crime-and-awesomeness Daniel Grey (aka Sage or Danny). As well, Veggiewolf also did a post on Obesity for Pagan Blog Project, and it’s pretty damn good. You should read it. Now. On to the second O. (Sounds …

Expelling the Venom

A lesson I have yet to learn: other people’s advice is never as good as my own intuition.  On Saturday night I went with some friends to their belated Full Moon ritual. They’re just starting their ATC practice, so it was the first time they were doing an ATC Full Moon ritual. It was pretty …

Hearing the Gods: self-deception is the enemy

How can I tell what the gods are saying? I’m in a relatively small camp of people who are ‘god-bothered’. We’ve usually been thwapped by gods and have really intimate relationships with Them, and many of us have conversations with those gods that are pretty distinct. (If you’re going to get jealous or upset because …


We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience. —Pierre Teilhard de Chardin That quote may seem rather cliché, especially to many pagans (or anyone who listens to that idiot Wayne Dyer), but it’s always rung true for me on some level. Sure, I am human, and …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 40: Your altar, if you have one!

This cacophony of light and color is the wall that forms my altars. One on the windowsill, one on the far right, one in the centre, one on the left, and one even further left, on the bookcase. In order: for the Lady of the Stars, for my ancestors, for Morrigan, Brighid, and Manannan in …

Dedication to Brighid: ritual debrief

I do a few things quite well. One is writing. I’m a good writer. I also make really excellent hashbrowns. And I do a good ritual (with some — ok, half, but with edits — of the parts borrowed from this one here). I was distracted and scattered before the ritual. I wasn’t paying attention, …

Imbolc 2011: plans

I have two major plans for Imbolc this year, aside from the Cill’s group flame keeping from sunset on the 31st to sunset on the 2nd (my shift starts at sunset on the 3rd, so I’m just going to keep the flame straight for a week, basically). One is a Lady of the Stars Ritual, …