30 Days of Paganism: Ethics

This is actually a kind of raw topic for me right now, so I’m going to try to be as brief as possible on it. I can sum up my ethics thusly: Be excellent to each other. Don’t be a dick. Consent matters; boundaries matter. Protect your own. These can contradict each other, and do …

Personal Boundaries and Public Displays of Religion and/or Spirituality

This is a topic that comes up fairly frequently whenever you get a bunch of pagans together. It’s bound to; we live in a society that continually privileges Christianity over other religions or spiritual beliefs, and as such it will privilege the presence of public displays of Christianity over anything else. This post isn’t about …


Boundaries are important. I’m not just talking psychic or magical boundaries, here; I’m talking about physical boundaries, social boundaries, mental boundaries, etc. One of my ongoing projects right now is to find out what my boundaries are and how to articulate them. I’ve spent my entire life being socialized into believing that my boundaries aren’t …