I’d like to preface this post with one thing:
Mayans didn’t predict the end of the world in 2012. White people with no understanding of indigenous beliefs did. And the braindead masses lapped it up, because everyone loves an apocalypse.
So, yes, I “survived” because there was nothing to survive. End of the Long Count does not mean “end of the world”; it means end of the fucking Long Count. And according to some modern-day Mayans (as in, my friends in Guatemala), there are supposed to be changes occurring around now. Big changes in the world, in how people think, maybe even some increase in natural disasters? (We have been seeing more these past few years, it’s true.)
Change does not equal end. The sooner y’all get your heads wrapped around that fact, the better off we’ll be.
Now that Angry Ranting Morag has had zir say….
2012 is over. I was supposed to get a lot of things done by this time in my life. I was supposed to graduate with my degree (sort of did that; I’ll be graduating in January 2013 — close enough). I was supposed to have received my training in Guatemala on the Mayan path. (Something I haven’t really talked about on this blog very much, because, well.)
I was kind of hoping I’d have another book finished and at least on the way to publication. As it stands, Bellica is still being published online in serial format, and can be purchased in ebook and paperback form. That’s something at least. I do plan to work very hard on Stranger Skies and The Jade Star of Athering in 2013, and maybe get them finished and at least one out the door by the end of the year. (Also, I want to write a non-fiction book too. But as Thomas King says, “Writing fiction is like buttering toast. Writing non-fiction is like herding porcupines with your elbows.” So we’ll see how that goes.)
I was also hoping that I’d be an adult and have everything figured out. I’ve since realised that will probably never happen, and I will always be a marginal fuck up in at least some areas of life.
Before you think that I didn’t accomplish anything this year, let me disabuse you of that notion: I moved from Nanaimo to Vancouver. I had The Talk with the Ogre, about future Ogrelets, and he and I are (really) on the same page now. I cut my biological sire out of my life and accepted my true father into my heart and soul. I went to the Wizarding World. I knit three amazing shawls. I made a duct-tape backpack in the shape of a coffin. I changed my pronouns. I asserted my boundaries with a family member who tried to get me to accept my bio-sire back into my life around Christmas-time; I did not cave, though I had been trained to do so for years and years.
I volunteered at VIWF and met Cory Doctorow, Kate Mosse, and Junot Diaz. I started praying every day. I moved blogs and even set up a subdomain to house all my articles and the religion I’m building as I build it.
I did accomplish stuff.
But I’m a perfectionist and an overachiever, so I allow myself to sulk a bit over the stuff I didn’t do.
Such as writing 52 posts for the Pagan Blog Project 2012. That didn’t happen.
But wait! There’s a Pagan Blog Project 2013! Same rules, snazzier site.
So it is kicking and screaming with high hopes that I set out to do the PBP in ’13, and hopefully get at least 30 posts done.
This year, my normally Slytherin self will be going super-Ravenclaw (mom, are you proud? BE PROUD): making a list checking it twice for the whole year of posts before I even start.
I may will even share it here. Then I’ll be accountable to my loyal minions readers.
Happy New Year’s, everyone! I’ll see y’all in 2013.
lets do the pagan posts together!
Awesome! Yay, more recruits to PBP!