2020: the year of detox

In the latter half of 2019 I started getting more into astrology, the moon phases, and a bunch of related stuff. So I subscribed to Ivy at Circle Thrice‘s newsletter, and downloaded their Agile Magic Manifesto. I bought the Moonology 2020 diary, with the intent of using it to make this year awesome. As a …

Monstrous Ancestry: Channeling the Better Parts of Our Forebears; Transforming the Worst

This post originally appeared on Patreon on Saturday, February 9th, 2019. This morning I channeled my bio-sire in my kitchen. Clothed in woolen socks, boxers, and a sweatshirt, I cooked pancakes on the stove and burned them black. (Well, ok, dark brown. I lack a proper griddle.) This was the way he always did them …

Little Things

On Wednesday I woke up with intense pain in my neck and a massive, pounding headache. My plans for working on kitchen clean up and thus my year long project went out the window. So I took the drugs I could take, and waited for things to fade. Eventually I had enough energy to do …

Church, and other notes

It’s been a while since I posted. I kept meaning to write another post for October, but then it kept not happening. So here are some brief updates on various things. Church. I am going to church now. Specifically the Anglican church about 5 minutes from my home. Why? Well, I’d heard nice things about …

30 Days of Paganism: Any “secular” pastimes with religious significance, and why

I do have some secular pastimes that have, over time, acquired religious significance. Knitting/Crochet For the longest time it was just a way for me to carry on family traditions, and I loved doing it. At some point I got the lightbulb that it was Brighidine work, and it turned out I’m not the only …

“There is no blue without yellow and without orange.”

What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? Lately I have been struggling a lot with depression and suicidal ideation. I go through periods of this; right now it’s brought on by severe stress from work, wedding, and lack of money. I was reduced to tears at work on Saturday and …

Today I am doing nothing of import

Well, except getting my driver’s licence renewed. There’s that. But no, today is my birthday, and I’m going to let myself relax. I was pretty depressed about my birthday this year. I think just because I’ve been depressed in general. I’m pretty much in the middle of a long-ass depressive episode, and no idea when …

Creating my own challenge meme

I appreciate the chance the 30 Days of… memes give me to write posts on things I may not have thought of, and I like having a challenge to write 30 times on a certain topic. You’ve probably noticed my reinvigorated blogging has been mostly 30 Days of Paganism posts. However, those 30 Days of… …

Everyday Magic and Old School Witchcraft

So you may have noticed a change on this site. Not only to the theme (again, I know), but to the title and tagline. Let me talk a little about that. First, the change has been coming for a while. I just didn’t know how it was going to happen. I’ve been dissatisfied with the …