Practice Makes Progress: September 18th – 25th

I’m shamelessly stealing this idea from Jenett as a way to actually, you know. Blog. I’ve been so silent on here for so long and it’s not because I’m doing nothing; it’s just because I used to write these big, lengthy posts on one topic and that hasn’t been attainable for some time. But a …

Monstrous Ancestry: Channeling the Better Parts of Our Forebears; Transforming the Worst

This post originally appeared on Patreon on Saturday, February 9th, 2019. This morning I channeled my bio-sire in my kitchen. Clothed in woolen socks, boxers, and a sweatshirt, I cooked pancakes on the stove and burned them black. (Well, ok, dark brown. I lack a proper griddle.) This was the way he always did them …

Lantern of the Ancestors

Sermon in church yesterday was exactly what I needed. I was late, somehow, even though I made the decision to stay up later and make the 8:30 am service instead of snatching 3 hours sleep before the 10:30 am; distraction set in, and then I’m running out the door at 8:25, which is fine as …

The Samhain that Wasn’t

Following up on a successful, if belated, Loafmass, this year I wanted to have a good Samhain celebration. I tried to get to it by October 31st, but that didn’t happen — work ate my face last month and I was supremely busy. That’s okay, I thought. Samhain season lasts until Remembrance Day for me …

(PBP catch-up) The Ancestors are Thirsty

I started giving water to my ancestors/Mighty Dead this week. I don’t know; it just seemed time. I’ve been dealing with a lot of ancestor stuff in the past months, and there’s this sense of release. I had so much trouble connecting with dad’s side of the family, but since he cut me out of …

Heilig Avondmaal 2011: bringing the dead home

Note: this post was originally posted at my old pagan-tumblr. I moved it here in the interest of keeping all my things together, and also because the links to a lot of the pictures on the original post broke. At the bottom of the post I added a bunch of extra pictures I didn’t share …

Challenge Accepted (Ms. Dirty’s Holy Supper Challenge)

Note: this post was originally posted at my old pagan-tumblr. I decided to put it here as well, in the interest of having all my things at my main blog. I’ve decided to accept this challenge. One of my quests is to find family and create new traditions; I have very little to cling to …