30 Days of Paganism: One misconception about Paganism you’d like to clear up

IT’S NOT WICCA. Seriously, though, that is a BIG misconception out there — that “paganism” is just another word for “Wicca.” It’s really really not! Using the definition I’m most comfortable with, paganism is a big, umbrella term to refer to any religion that is not Abrahamic and self-identifies as pagan. The self-identity thing is …

30 Days of Paganism: The meaning of terms like “earth-based” and what they mean to this path

Ah, this old chestnut. The idea of pagan religions all being “earth-based” is actually a pretty persistent myth. As in, it’s not true, yet it’s the thing that comes up most often when people are trying to explain paganism to the layman. Of course, you need to actually examine what people mean when they say …