When one goes to Witchcamp, one has an option of several paths to walk while there. These paths vary from camp to camp, but the one that’s always offered is The Elements Path, because it’s considered the foundation to practice within Reclaiming Witchcraft.
I have a confession: I’ve only been to Witchcamp once, and I didn’t take the Elements Path while there. I took another path, called Fires of Creation, Waters of Passion, which was a path focused on artistic expression as spiritual practice. (Now that I think back on it, the name of the path should have been a big clue I was claimed by Brighid. Also the fact that She was the deity we called in for one of the big rituals.)
I’m going to Witchcamp again this summer, and I’m not sure if I’ll be taking the Elements Path there. I’m working through The Twelve Wild Swans on the Elements Path, and I may decide that’s all I need. In which case, I’ll probably take another path. Iron Pentacle, if they offer it.

So I am attempting to align myself to the times of the day that are associated with the elements (this is just one of the many steps on the Elements Path). Dawn for the East and Air. Noon for the South and Fire. Sunset for the West and Water. Midnight for the North and Earth. (Any surprise that noon and midnight have always been my favourite times of day? Nope.)
It’s a little hard to do when it’s freezing still, seeing as one is supposed to be outside to soak up the feeling of each time. (It’s so easy to let time pass one by when sitting inside.) I’m hoping for warmer weather in the coming months so I can start doing this practice, as well as som nature walks in the woods.
Other things I’ll be doing include breathing exercises, creating sacred space, casting circles, tree of life meditations, salt water purification, and many other “basic” things. I like getting back to basics. There’s always something new to learn; always a way to deepen practice.
I’ll post more the deeper I get into the book and practice.
On a side note: I have no idea why Zemanta thought a million pictures of Sarah Palin went with my post. I didn’t mention her till now.
I’m still interested in going through the book, but I don’t think that Reclaiming is for me. It just seems like a good idea. I wonder if my issue is merely laziness or feeling out of my depth.
Also. Witch camp? Sounds awesome!
Witchcamp is pretty awesome.
The cool thing about Reclaiming, I find, is that you don’t have to fit totally with it to take something from it, or even to go to Witchcamp. The only thing you have to do at WC is adhere to the Principles of Unity (http://www.reclaiming.org/about/directions/unity.html), which I think most people can for a week. You don’t even need to personally believe them; you just need to agree for a week to uphold them/not do anything that deliberately disrupts them. Many of the folks I met at WC weren’t strictly Reclaiming, but they still found something worth gathering for at Reclaiming groups and events.
Even me — I’d class myself as very Reclaiming, and I don’t agree with some stuff in the book or at Witchcamp.
So, yes. I think the book could work for non-Reclaiming people so long as it’s approached with the idea of “This is Reclaiming; I’m going to take what’s useful to me and leave the rest.” There’s really nothing wrong with that approach.