Signal Boost: The Disabled Hiker’s Guidebook

After several years working on building disabled community and posting about disabled-accessible hiking, my friend Syren Nagakyrie has started work on the Guidebook for it all. Of course, creating such a guidebook will take some money — one needs to travel to the hikes and try them in order to write effectively about them. So …

Supermarket Magic Review Part 2: Ableism Boogaloo

Welcome back to my review of Supermarket Magic! After suffering through multiple transient ischemic attacks while reading the Ethics chapter, I happily moved on to the meat of the book — the good stuff. He starts this part of the book with an intro that includes his main reasoning for writing the book — basically, …

Ebooks, Disability, and the Morrigan

You may have seen my Twitter rant the other week (later c&ped to my FB page in chronological order, for easier reading), when I started talking about how pagan booksellers need to provide ebooks, or they’re contributing to (dis)ableism within the greater pagan community. Here’s an expansion on that. Ableism (disableism across the pond) is …

Keep Moving, Keep Singing

Sometimes music puts me in a semi trance state. This only works if I’m moving; stillness fucks it up. Yesterday I tried to enter a stillness+music trance. It worked, for a second. And then my stomach muscles convulsed; I twitched, jerked forward like someone had hit me. This happens when I sit still for too …