Supermarket Magic Review Part 3: Return of the Bitter, Angry Morag

Oh gods I hope it’s almost over. Accessible? If you have limitless time and energy This isn’t a comment on any one chapter. It’s a comment on all of them. He states at the beginning his goal was to make magic more accessible with this book. He did…for able-bodied suburbanites without money issues. In fact …

Supermarket Magic Review Part 2: Ableism Boogaloo

Welcome back to my review of Supermarket Magic! After suffering through multiple transient ischemic attacks while reading the Ethics chapter, I happily moved on to the meat of the book — the good stuff. He starts this part of the book with an intro that includes his main reasoning for writing the book — basically, …

Review of Supermarket Magic: Part 1

Review: Supermarket Magic by Michael Furie Warning: this post is going to be long and ranty.  EDIT: yeah it’s now 3 posts. SETTLE IN. I really wanted to like this book. Honestly, I don’t know where to begin. I’m starting this review before I finish reading the book because there’s so much to say. I …

Book Review: Mrs. B’s Guide to Household Witchery

This may or may not become a regular feature here as I work my way through actually reading the books I’ve accumulated on the Craft/paganism/religion/theology/myth/etc. Mrs. B’s Guide to Household Witchery: Everyday Magic, Spells, and Recipes by Kris Bradley (creator of Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom). I think I picked this book up shortly …

Evolutionary Witchcraft, Chapter 1: initial reactions

I’ve been trying to work on the reading project I mentioned a few months ago, wherein I’d read a chapter of The Spiral Dance and Evolutionary Witchcraft and post about it here. It was my hope that by making this a project for the blog I’d a) actually finish those books and b) maybe actually …

Reading Project: The Spiral Dance and Evolutionary Witchcraft

This is probably a sacrilege for a Reclaiming witch to say, but I’ve never read The Spiral Dance from cover to cover. I think I’ve got about 3 chapters in every time I’ve sat down to read it again, then put it down for far too long so that by the time I pick it …

Re-reading Evolutionary Witchcraft

Which I never really finished the first time I read it, anyway. I have this problem with practical books that are full of exercises to do. I don’t finish the book before I start doing the exercises, and then I stop doing the exercises, and forget about the book. I’ve decided I should read through …

Book Review: Magical Household: Spells & Rituals for the Home by Scott Cunningham

I feel “Spells and Rituals” is a bit of a misnomer here. The book is a collection of folk magic for the home — some spells and rituals are listed, but not many (my definition of ritual here is the more ceremonial magic inspired type, not the small little things we do everyday — your …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 13: What are some of the witchy books that influenced you?

I need to divide this list into two sections: good influences, and bad influences. It’s not fair to group some books together. First, though, I have to mention the first witchy book I ever read, when I decided I wanted to curse the assholes at school who bullied me: The Crone’s Book of Words, by …