Book Review: Mrs. B’s Guide to Household Witchery

This may or may not become a regular feature here as I work my way through actually reading the books I’ve accumulated on the Craft/paganism/religion/theology/myth/etc. Mrs. B’s Guide to Household Witchery: Everyday Magic, Spells, and Recipes by Kris Bradley (creator of Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom). I think I picked this book up shortly …

Morag’s Cleansing and Blessing Spray and Protective Wards

Here are the recipes and steps I followed to make my blessing spray and my wards. Feel free to use these recipes to make your own blessing sprays and wards, and don’t be afraid to make modifications if necessary. (Please read my safety notes at the bottom of the spray recipe.) If you’re going to …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 36: Flower of your choice, and its magical properties.

Roses are a pretty popular flower, and it may be because of their various magical properties. (Or it could be because of capitalist Valentine’s Day propaganda; who knows.) They’re my favourite flower, which I didn’t want to admit for all of high school but which I say proudly nowadays, mainly because it means my boyfriend …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 30: Witchy tools: wand.

I have two. Made them both. One is a piece of driftwood, because I felt that contained all the elements (earth, fire — sun, water, air). I carved it a bit and put a crystal in the tip before wrapping it up in leather. Eventually the leather came off and I wrapped it up in …