Evolutionary Witchcraft, Chapter 1: initial reactions

I’ve been trying to work on the reading project I mentioned a few months ago, wherein I’d read a chapter of The Spiral Dance and Evolutionary Witchcraft and post about it here. It was my hope that by making this a project for the blog I’d a) actually finish those books and b) maybe actually …

Weekly Ritual, January 22nd, 2014

Yesterday was basically a lost day, so I didn’t get a chance to type up anything about the ritual I did on Wednesday. (I was super super tired yesterday. I’m surprised I accomplished anything at all. No spoons.) So my ritual on Wednesday was a little different. This time, I started with lighting three candles, …

Re-reading Evolutionary Witchcraft

Which I never really finished the first time I read it, anyway. I have this problem with practical books that are full of exercises to do. I don’t finish the book before I start doing the exercises, and then I stop doing the exercises, and forget about the book. I’ve decided I should read through …

Experiences with Devotional Dance

A while back I purchased T. Thorn Coyle‘s Devotional Dance DVD so I could start working through Evolutionary Witchcraft and actually know what the heck I was doing. (I can’t learn dance moves from a book. I just can’t.) It arrived right before I left for Orlando, so I promised myself I’d start with dancing …

In which I’ll probably offend someone.

Today my own copy of The Twelve Wild Swans arrived in the mail; previously I was working out of a public library copy and it’s really the sort of book I need to be able to make notes in, highlight, and keep for all time. I’m part of a group wherein we’ve been working through …