Pursuing Joy

T. Thorn Coyle linked this article on either Google+ or Facebook (or perhaps both), with the message that activists, caretakers, etc, shouldn’t forget our own happiness. We do burn out. We become lost in hopelessness and despair. We forget to take care of ourselves because we feel so small in the face of the overwhelming …

A Pagan Response to Savita’s Death, and the ongoing fight for reproductive justice worldwide

After my last post about Savita, I emailed T. Thorn Coyle to ask for her help in finding ways to respond to this tragedy. I felt that something needed to be done, besides writing and prayer, but I didn’t know what. She had some really good suggestions for organizing a response. One was to lobby …

A Day with Erin in San Francisco and Berkeley

Wednesday evening I spent at my brother’s house, playing an amazing video game called Journey. The next day Mom and her friend Chris picked me up and I went to go meet Erinnightwalker (and her bf) for the first time in real life. She gave me awesome gifts, because she’s an awesome person (though this should …

Experiences with Devotional Dance

A while back I purchased T. Thorn Coyle‘s Devotional Dance DVD so I could start working through Evolutionary Witchcraft and actually know what the heck I was doing. (I can’t learn dance moves from a book. I just can’t.) It arrived right before I left for Orlando, so I promised myself I’d start with dancing …

In which I’ll probably offend someone.

Today my own copy of The Twelve Wild Swans arrived in the mail; previously I was working out of a public library copy and it’s really the sort of book I need to be able to make notes in, highlight, and keep for all time. I’m part of a group wherein we’ve been working through …