On hexing, Nazis, and rape

[Content Warning for basically everything.] This post needs some background. First bit of background: I am a descendant of people who survived Nazi Europe. My Oma, a nurse in a hospital that had to keep 50% each of Axis and Ally soldiers at all times, lest they get bombed by either side. My Opa, a …

Witch Skills: Shielding

Shielding is a pretty essential tool for — well, for witches, but also for anyone else, really. I’ve used shielding effectively against unwanted physical contact as well as unwanted energetic contact. We’ve all met someone, or know someone in our friends circle, who is a total energy drain. Sometimes they don’t even know they’re doing …

Poison in the Bones

It took me a year, but I finally followed through on scrubbing the poison from my bones. It happened at Greaters, which I can’t tell you the details of, but I can tell you my experience. I sobbed in the arms of a god who was Two, and I was scrubbed clean; allowed to let …


The edge is a funny place. From it you can see your entire life stretching away from you, back and forth and all to the sides and up and down. You stand on the precipice of possibility. You wait for something to push you over — to the future? To the past? To dimensions untraveled, …


This is not what I intended to do my second B post on. Not at all. I was going to write about brooms, and there were going to be nice, clear, pictures of the broom company on Granville Island. I didn’t get out to the broom company. That didn’t happen. What did happen was I …

X, or the Gift of Poison

Someone on TC suggested that one could do Gebo, the X-shaped rune for the Pagan Blog Project (like most of you, I’m sure, many of us were scratching our skulls a bit over what on earth we could write about). Gebo means gift or partnership, according to my copy of The Book of Runes, by …

The Winter Witch

Zie withdraws coiled like a snake It’s winter Zir bones shake But zie loves the snow and despite the pain welcomes the cold Zie buries zir face in it and lies on the ground The stars above zir wondering eyes work as mirrors zie sees zirself in the skies.  I withdraw in winter, and write …

A Call from Brighid & Morrigan: Justice for Savita

My entire path is about activism. I’d be lying if I said otherwise. Morrigan and Brighid want me to do Their work, and They want it done everyday. They want me to be a witch, and They have been very clear that to be a witch — to do Their work — I must also …

The Severance

I winged the ritual. It actually turned out better that way. I was in no state earlier today to write anything coherent or useful — I’d been up all night. I finally crashed at 5:30pm and woke up at midnight so I could do the ritual. This ritual was to sever astral connections between me …

When you have wounds on the astral body….

This post is more rambling and looking for answers than a solid, coherent piece of writing. Also I talk about maggots and worms and crap (not actual crap; crap used as a substitute for stuff) and it’s pretty gross, so if it creeps you out the way it creeps me out you may not want …