30 Days of Paganism: 3. Beliefs — Deities

In the faith I’m building there are three main deities — I call Them the Sacred Triad. Instead of dualism, I base my faith on the number three. Sky, land, sea. Birth, life, death. Heavens, Earth, Underworld. Fire, blood, water. Brighid is the sky, the bright flame, inspiration and the beginning of all things. She …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 4: Picture of Nature — Water Element

This picture I took while on the ferry on Friday. It’s the churning the blades make in the water. (Also, picture taken with my Blackberry, so not the greatest quality.) The churning depicted here always makes me think of the Lord of the Deeps, and ferries make me think of Hermes. It’s my UPG that …