
Mom and I got caught up in watching things together last night after a business meeting that fried my brain, and I didn’t do my ritual. I’m going to put something together today instead. Also, as a warning/heads up, the theme here may change. I’m getting restless again.

Winter Solstice Celebrations, 2013

Tonight I’ll be heading to a huge annual Yule party held by friends of mine. There will be a turkey dinner, various other foods, some booze, carousing, Rock Band and karaoke, me being antisocial on my computer from time to time as I pop in on TC’s Up All Night revels in chat (well, ok, …

This was a Facebook rant.

Then I decided to post it here, for various reasons.  Pro-tip: saying you’re good at avoiding drama or have a drama-free life? Basically signals to EVERYONE that you, in fact, are a drama-starter and are basically steeped in drama all the time. It’s impossible to have a drama-free life; we’re human. Drama is what we …

Reading Project: The Spiral Dance and Evolutionary Witchcraft

This is probably a sacrilege for a Reclaiming witch to say, but I’ve never read The Spiral Dance from cover to cover. I think I’ve got about 3 chapters in every time I’ve sat down to read it again, then put it down for far too long so that by the time I pick it …

Between 2007 (when Morrigan Thwapped me) and 2010 (when I got involved with Brighid, Manannan, Lugh, and Aphrodite), Morrigan was always by my side. I always knew She was there. Since January 2010, She’s not been distant per se, but definitely not always by my side. I realized today it was because She knew I …