44 Days of Witchery, Day 11: Witchy Tools: oils

I have a lot of essential oils. A lot from Guatemala, actually, from a store with an Egyptian motif. Strange story, that. I love oils. I also love candles. I anoint candles with oils, I put drops of oil on burning charcoal (along with resin or loose incense), I burn it in an oil diffuser, …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 10: Your sun sign

Leo. My birthday is the 14th, actually. 25 years of age! And I am a quintessential Leo, let me tell you. Vain, loyal, proud, quick temper, self-centred, passionate, loving, generous. All me. I also act like a cat. A lot. My (other) name is Dutch for little cat. I purr and meow. I love having …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 9: A favourite mythological animal

An honest politician. I kid, I kid. (Maybe.) I realize the question is for standard mythological creatures. Dragons, probably. Blame Anne McCaffery and being a goth, but I’ve always had a special spot in my heart for the scaly beasts. I fully believe they were real physical beings at some point, and that they exist …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 8: A Photo of a Magical Place Outdoors

So, really, almost every place outdoors is magical. According to me, at least. However, Lake Sasamat is truly magical — tis the hosting ground for not only the Gathering for Life on Earth, but also Pirates and Fairies – two witchy/pagany events with rituals galore, that happen every year. The place is practically crackling with …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 7: Air Element

Air is the power of the sword, of intellect. The sword cuts away what does not belong; it destroys the extraneous. Cool logic, intellect, allow us to do so as well. I do not connect well to air. I’m a fire/earth person; water and air elude me. The power of cutting away the extraneous is …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 6: A favourite God.

Ever since I was in high school I’ve had a bit of an obsession with Dionysus, Greek God of wine, madness, and theatre. It’s no surprise that I was a theatre student as well, and a hardcore partier (the two seem to go hand in hand). My favourite word was “Dionysian” and I insisted on …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 5: A favourite Goddess.

It would be way too obvious to go with Morrigan or Brighid (like, duh), so I’m going to choose instead one of my favourite “Descent to the Underworld” goddesses. The Descent to the Underworld myth has always held special meaning to me, ever since I first read the myth of Persephone and Demeter. I really …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 4: Picture of Nature — Water Element

This picture I took while on the ferry on Friday. It’s the churning the blades make in the water. (Also, picture taken with my Blackberry, so not the greatest quality.) The churning depicted here always makes me think of the Lord of the Deeps, and ferries make me think of Hermes. It’s my UPG that …

A myth or story from folklore

There are so many I could talk about! However, I’m going to talk about my favourite myth regarding M’Lady Morrigan. This story very clearly illustrates Morrigan’s greater function in Irish culture, as well as warning against disrespecting the feminine principle and female power. (Female I use here as an inclusive term not limited to “biology” …