44 Days of Witchery, Day 15: Thoughts on the afterlife?

Nope. Which is to say, I don’t really think about it that often. I have some theories, some comforting thoughts in the event of the death of a loved one, but quite honestly — how a religion handles the afterlife is one of the least important things to me when it comes to faith. There …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 14: A favourite pagan holiday that you celebrate.

I wish I had an uncomplicated answer for this. My favourite holiday has long been Halloween, from before becoming a Witch, because it was the one holiday that people couldn’t ruin for me. I hated Christmas with a passion. Now that I’m older, I find I don’t actually celebrate Halloween in a pagan fashion. The …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 13: What are some of the witchy books that influenced you?

I need to divide this list into two sections: good influences, and bad influences. It’s not fair to group some books together. First, though, I have to mention the first witchy book I ever read, when I decided I wanted to curse the assholes at school who bullied me: The Crone’s Book of Words, by …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 11: Witchy Tools: oils

I have a lot of essential oils. A lot from Guatemala, actually, from a store with an Egyptian motif. Strange story, that. I love oils. I also love candles. I anoint candles with oils, I put drops of oil on burning charcoal (along with resin or loose incense), I burn it in an oil diffuser, …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 10: Your sun sign

Leo. My birthday is the 14th, actually. 25 years of age! And I am a quintessential Leo, let me tell you. Vain, loyal, proud, quick temper, self-centred, passionate, loving, generous. All me. I also act like a cat. A lot. My (other) name is Dutch for little cat. I purr and meow. I love having …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 9: A favourite mythological animal

An honest politician. I kid, I kid. (Maybe.) I realize the question is for standard mythological creatures. Dragons, probably. Blame Anne McCaffery and being a goth, but I’ve always had a special spot in my heart for the scaly beasts. I fully believe they were real physical beings at some point, and that they exist …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 8: A Photo of a Magical Place Outdoors

So, really, almost every place outdoors is magical. According to me, at least. However, Lake Sasamat is truly magical — tis the hosting ground for not only the Gathering for Life on Earth, but also Pirates and Fairies – two witchy/pagany events with rituals galore, that happen every year. The place is practically crackling with …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 7: Air Element

Air is the power of the sword, of intellect. The sword cuts away what does not belong; it destroys the extraneous. Cool logic, intellect, allow us to do so as well. I do not connect well to air. I’m a fire/earth person; water and air elude me. The power of cutting away the extraneous is …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 6: A favourite God.

Ever since I was in high school I’ve had a bit of an obsession with Dionysus, Greek God of wine, madness, and theatre. It’s no surprise that I was a theatre student as well, and a hardcore partier (the two seem to go hand in hand). My favourite word was “Dionysian” and I insisted on …