44 Days of Witchery, Day 34: Rune of your choice.

Algiz Protection, sedge or rushes, an elk. From The Book of Runes, by Ralph Blum: Algiz serves as a mirror for the Spiritual Warrior, the one whose battle is always with the self. The protection of the Warrior is like the curved horns of the elk, or like the sedge grass, for both serve to …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 33: Faerie of your choice.

I’m going to use one of the fairies of Amy Brown’s art, as I like her art style. My fondness of Amy Brown’s art style really has nothing to do with my feelings regarding the good folk. There’s a separation in my head between pop culture fairies and the fair folk. Pop culture fairies are …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 32: A pagan/witchy artwork.

One of my favourite artists, Autumn Skye Morrison, who also happens to be a friend of mine, does a lot of pagan-y artwork. I own one of her paintings, “Grounded”, which is a dual canvas piece with ravens flying in the top canvas, and one standing with the image of a woman sitting overlaid in …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 31: A favourite pagan/witchy movie.

Practical Magic. It’s not uber-hollywood with the magic — I mean, sure, there are special effects, but they’re far more subtle than one expects from witchy films. Far different from the book, but in a good, standalone way. I can see each thing as a separate entity. And a great story about the true magic …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 30: Witchy tools: wand.

I have two. Made them both. One is a piece of driftwood, because I felt that contained all the elements (earth, fire — sun, water, air). I carved it a bit and put a crystal in the tip before wrapping it up in leather. Eventually the leather came off and I wrapped it up in …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 28: A picture of a witchy I-Want-It-Now!

I assume that means something Witchy that I really want. I didn’t have an answer ready for this question, as I’ve been trying to avoid looking at witchy things…I have a tendency to buy them too often. So now I’ve gone to Azure Green and perused their items and found too much! (Picture heavy, so …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 25: How do your close ones feel about your witchy path? Do they know? Why or why not?

Anyone I consider close knows about my path, and those that have a problem with it are not close for long. My religion is private, but it’s intensely important to me that those I am close with respect that my faith is serious and important to me. If they’re going to treat it like it’s …