This topic comes up because of a post on a forum somewhere. I’m not going to link it, but the gist is that a self-identified anti-theist asked a bunch of pagans what makes a deity “worthy of worship.” This idea, or question, is not a new one (at least not to me). I’ve seen it …
Tag Archives: love
30 Days of Paganism: Beliefs – Patronage and other deeper relationships
I suppose I’m odd in that I don’t consider patronage a particularly “deep” relationship. I mean, I did used to, when I first started out in paganism/polytheism and everyone else kept calling the Main Attraction in your pantheon your “patron” (or “matron”, which is even more wrong). Which, ok, whatever floats your boat, I guess, …
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44 Days of Witchery, Day 36: Flower of your choice, and its magical properties.
Roses are a pretty popular flower, and it may be because of their various magical properties. (Or it could be because of capitalist Valentine’s Day propaganda; who knows.) They’re my favourite flower, which I didn’t want to admit for all of high school but which I say proudly nowadays, mainly because it means my boyfriend …
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