
This is not what I intended to do my second B post on. Not at all. I was going to write about brooms, and there were going to be nice, clear, pictures of the broom company on Granville Island. I didn’t get out to the broom company. That didn’t happen. What did happen was I …


Boundaries are important. I’m not just talking psychic or magical boundaries, here; I’m talking about physical boundaries, social boundaries, mental boundaries, etc. One of my ongoing projects right now is to find out what my boundaries are and how to articulate them. I’ve spent my entire life being socialized into believing that my boundaries aren’t …


Note: I did write this poem in the shower, a day or so after having a Daddy Issues Movie-Marathon that included Hook. I light candles before I step Into the too-hot water I write poetry in the steam On the window of my shower I use three fingers to guide The razor across my skin …

Altruism Doesn’t Exist

If you want more Morag this week, on Wednesday I wrote a post for Maenads of the (R)Evolution in reaction to the bruhaha surrounding Star Foster’s relinquishment of the term pagan. It’s called Respecting Agency, and it’s awesome, because I’m awesome. True story. ~~~~~~~~~ I am so damn tired of people extolling us to be …

Appellomancy, or the magic of names

I won’t lie; the inspiration for this post came from the webcomic Oglaf (if you haven’t seen it before, I warn you — extremely NSFW in many places; it is an adult webcomic). But, if you’ve been reading me for a while, you know that names are important to me. So I want to talk …

Going Full Ravenclaw

I’ve decided to do the list for PBP in quarters. Putting the whole list in one post is ridiculous; I’ll post the first quarter’s list (Jan, Feb, March) now, and then at Spring Equinox I’ll post the second one (April, May, June), and so on and so forth. Without further ado…. January 4th, A: Appellomancy, …

Divination for 2013: Transformation, the Underworld, Spirit Work, and money? Maybe?

Yesterday morning I worked on doing my divination spreads for the coming year. I’m missing my favored deck, The Gilded Tarot, and so did draws with other sources of divination. I drew three Runes, five cards from The Well Worn Path (no spread, just at random), and three from the Medicine Cards. Out of all …