Father’s day is hard for me. I’ve been trying to reclaim it in Manannan’s name, as He is my Father now. Since I cut my bio-sire out of my life and accepted Manannan’s offer to adopt me, I have been looking for ways to heal the deep wounds left by having a narcissistic sociopathic abuser …
Category Archives: The Sacred Triad
What cannot be said will be wept
I feel as if I’ve spent an entire week crying; weeping out my anguish first for the betrayal of the mothers who once welcomed me, and today for the physical manifestation of that self-same hate. In the early hours of Sunday morning, a shooter tore up Pulse nightclub in Orlando, killing 50 and injuring at …
Gender Agnosticism
There are very few things I know for sure. This is true in all areas of my life, but right now I want to talk about just a few. About gender, and the gods. I don’t know what gender is. Not really. I have some thoughts — I think it’s a social construct, but unlike …
The Sacred Triad and the Wheel of the Year
Note: this post is written from the perspective of someone living in the Northern Hemisphere on the West Coast of North America. Also it is full of my headcanon about the gods. You shouldn’t take anything here as necessarily backed up by the lore or even other polytheists. Since deciding on the four fire festivals …
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30 Days of Hymns, Day 9: hymn round-up and reflection on my progress
Let’s start with the reflection. It didn’t take long for me to fuck this up in some way. The first three days were great. I got up, got coffee, and made my first priority writing the hymn of the day. I did well, as those prompts were easy for me to get into. Day 4, …
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Imbolc and the 30 Days of Hymns project
Happy Imbolc, or Lughnasdh/Lammas if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere! I finished up Imbolc Advent last night before I went to sleep (so, 10:30am), and tonight I’ve got a few Imbolc projects I want to tackle. 1, writing on this blog and my Brighid blog-shrine. 2, cleaning the kitchen. (It’s yikes!ariffic.) 3, changing the hearth …
30 Days of Paganism: Other paths I’ve explored
This should be a pretty short post. I’ve explored and learned about many other religions, but very few have I looked at with the actual intent of going further than just “studying because I’m interested”. I’ve taken religion classes and done my own studying of other religions. But honestly, I haven’t really strayed from some …
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30 Days of Paganism: My ways of worship
You are the hole in my head You are the space in my bed You are the silence in between What I thought and what I said You are the night time fear You are the morning when it’s clear When it’s over you’re the start You’re my head, you’re my heart No Light, No …
30 Days of Paganism: On finding a pantheon
Honestly…I didn’t really set out to find a pantheon. Ok, well, I did. But those searches became dead ends. At first I thought I might go Hellenic, but then I didn’t, and gave up on that path — until the Hellenic gods came into my life and were like HELLO, CAN WE BE PART OF …
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The Morrigan Chose Me…and I chose Her right back
There’s this idea in neo-Pagan or polytheist circles that the gods choose us, we don’t choose them. Sometimes that’s correct — sometimes, yes, the gods do search us out without us needing to reach out first. In that case, They chose us; we didn’t choose Them. But we still can. When I first met the …
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