Practice Makes Progress: April 1st to 15th

It’s been a while since my last post, and even longer since my last Practice Makes Progress post, which I’d hoped to make a regular feature. Mea culpa. Life’s been weird. I’m sure it has been for you too. In my last post I mentioned moving up to Powell River to help take care of …

2020: the year of detox

In the latter half of 2019 I started getting more into astrology, the moon phases, and a bunch of related stuff. So I subscribed to Ivy at Circle Thrice‘s newsletter, and downloaded their Agile Magic Manifesto. I bought the Moonology 2020 diary, with the intent of using it to make this year awesome. As a …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 24: Your moon sign.

Sagittarius. This is what has to say on Moon in Sadge: The Sagittarius Moon can be described as radiant, fun and visionary, with many notable pioneers born under this sign. They’re often optimistic about the future and open hearted, both qualities of which can be contagious. They appreciate life as a grand adventure, and …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 10: Your sun sign

Leo. My birthday is the 14th, actually. 25 years of age! And I am a quintessential Leo, let me tell you. Vain, loyal, proud, quick temper, self-centred, passionate, loving, generous. All me. I also act like a cat. A lot. My (other) name is Dutch for little cat. I purr and meow. I love having …