On hexing, Nazis, and rape

[Content Warning for basically everything.] This post needs some background. First bit of background: I am a descendant of people who survived Nazi Europe. My Oma, a nurse in a hospital that had to keep 50% each of Axis and Ally soldiers at all times, lest they get bombed by either side. My Opa, a …


Why? Of course because He is beloved to me; of course that. Of course because I am one of His worshippers. Probably I need no other reason. Why? But there are other reasons. Always other reasons; not that I should have to explain myself why I wish to align myself with women who rip men …

Justice — it’s not an idle concept. It’s a responsibility.

While I wanted to do a post on Justice for a while, much of this post is inspired by this one, and adds to the argument presented there. TRIGGER WARNING for discussion of rape, abuse, murder, marginalization, etc; do not read the comments in some linked articles unless you have a strong stomach.  Witchcraft gives …