Another pagan has written something that’s pissed me off. Again. Are we surprised? No. Yet another screed against pop-culture pagans! Yet another pagan saying “Stop being so WEIRD, otherpagans, you’re making us look bad.” Yet another pagan saying that ALL pagans follow some form of Witchcraft; that we all follow the works of Starhawk, Selena …
Tag Archives: paganism
The Looooorrreeeeeee (or, how there’s no goddamn dichotomy between pop-culture paganism and people who are ~*~serious~*~ about religion)
Fair warning: this post contains quite a bit more swearing than I usually let rip on this blog. Also, one animated gif, at the end. Ok, seriously guys. Can we stop? Can we please just fucking stop? There is no dichotomy between people who utilize pop culture philosophies, ideas, characters into their religion and people …
Restlessness and Ramblings
If you’re visiting the blog itself and not reading from a feed or email, you probably notice something different. As in, the entire theme. I get bored easily. I’m a creature of change. I like flame because it’s never static. I need earth in my life just to centre me and ground me long enough …
Psuedonyms, Privilege, and Accountability
Trigger warning: mention of rape, abuse, death threats, e-bullying; use of a word that’s often used as a slur as description of sexual orientation; privilege denying people. I had two separate run-ins, arguments, disagreements, whatever, with two different people this summer. The arguments were about completely different things, but each person holds the belief that …
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“Queering Paganism,” or Let Your Freak Flag Fly
So, I read this blog post this week, and I really want to address the idea that we, as pagans, need to make ourselves normal to break away from negative stereotypes. (Note: I’m not singling out this blog post for any reason other than it happens to be the most recent thing I’ve read that …
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Fat-Shaming In Pagandom — a story
I want to share this story from a friend of mine. Back in May, my friend — let’s call her Rachel — went to a Beltaine celebration. This celebration was attended by various mutual friends of ours; bunch of local pagans. Rachel has food allergies and eating disorders. Most notably, she’s a recovering anorexic and …
The Fat-Shaming War Continues — News From the Frontlines
Some of you may remember my post, “Obesity,” or Fuck Off, Pagan Concern Trolls. In it I take well-known pagan and supposed pagan elder Peter Dybing to task for his fat shaming in this post (EDIT as of August 14th, 2012 — Dybing has deleted his post, for some unfathomable reason, but it’s still available on …
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This is not a post on the power of names. I wish it were; it’s a favourite subject of mine. But I fear I do not have the words in my head for such a post. Not yet, anyway. No, this post is a bit more mundane — but I hope y’all will be able …
44 Days of Witchery, Day 35: Something that I think people who don’t know much about paganism/witchcraft should know.
That they’re not the same damn thing. Actually, I think people who do know a bit about paganism and/or witchcraft should know this as well. Paganism = large umbrella term for non-JCI religions that self-identify as such. Witchcraft = the craft of being a witch; the practice of magic. Big difference there.