44 Days of Witchery, Day 30: Witchy tools: wand.

I have two. Made them both. One is a piece of driftwood, because I felt that contained all the elements (earth, fire — sun, water, air). I carved it a bit and put a crystal in the tip before wrapping it up in leather. Eventually the leather came off and I wrapped it up in …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 28: A picture of a witchy I-Want-It-Now!

I assume that means something Witchy that I really want. I didn’t have an answer ready for this question, as I’ve been trying to avoid looking at witchy things…I have a tendency to buy them too often. So now I’ve gone to Azure Green and perused their items and found too much! (Picture heavy, so …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 25: How do your close ones feel about your witchy path? Do they know? Why or why not?

Anyone I consider close knows about my path, and those that have a problem with it are not close for long. My religion is private, but it’s intensely important to me that those I am close with respect that my faith is serious and important to me. If they’re going to treat it like it’s …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 24: Your moon sign.

Sagittarius. This is what about.com has to say on Moon in Sadge: The Sagittarius Moon can be described as radiant, fun and visionary, with many notable pioneers born under this sign. They’re often optimistic about the future and open hearted, both qualities of which can be contagious. They appreciate life as a grand adventure, and …

A favourite scent

Pine needles. When I lived in Hawaii we couldn’t afford to buy a real pine tree every year for solstice, so we got a fake one. In order to make things more real, we also bought a spray to be used on said tree that would make it smell like a real pine tree. When …