30 Days of Paganism: Beliefs – Birth, death and rebirth

From the perspective of the faith I’ve been building I haven’t actually given this part a lot of thought — I think I’ve just sort of grafted my personal ideas onto it. Which makes sense, as the faith I’m building is being built out of my nebulous thoughts and ideas about the world and the …

30 Days of Paganism: 3. Beliefs — Deities

In the faith I’m building there are three main deities — I call Them the Sacred Triad. Instead of dualism, I base my faith on the number three. Sky, land, sea. Birth, life, death. Heavens, Earth, Underworld. Fire, blood, water. Brighid is the sky, the bright flame, inspiration and the beginning of all things. She …

30 Days of Paganism: 2. Beliefs — Cosmology

There are several definitions for the word cosmology (no, none of them are “the study of trashy magazines, marketed to women, with horrible sex advice”), but generally speaking in theology the one that’s meant is this one: “A specific theory or model of the origin and evolution of the universe.” Put in simpler terms, “What …

30 Days of Paganism: 1. Beliefs – Why Paganism?

Why not? Honestly, though, I was fairly raised pagan. My mom is Buddhist, and she taught me about Tara’s many manifestations, as well as the bodhisattvas, and taking refuge, and meditating. I spent a lot of time reading all the Greek myths, and Zeus and Hera and Athena and Artemis were all as real to …

Melissa’s 2012 Witches and Witchcraft Reading Challenge sign-up

Because one challenge certainly isn’t enough. No, I’m doing another one. It has a prize! And while I could technically use the books from the other challenge for this one, I’m not going to — because of suggestions made in the comments of the other list, and I really like pushing myself. Also I’ll be done …

Depression, and how The Doctor helps me fight it

I might be clothed in sin But I’m more than the sum of the scars upon my skin I am more than the hurt of the words within my head I am more than the size of the colours in my mind I am more than the screams of the shadows in my dreams I …

Pagan Culture’s 2012 Witchy Books Reading Challenge

Magaly Guerrero at Pagan Culture has created a Witchy Books reading challenge for 2012. I read about this a while ago and decided to do it, but haven’t posted till now because I hadn’t come up with my list of books. List of books finished, so consider this my announcement post. Most of these are …

Arachne and Her Children

Since choosing a name, one that literally means I’m becoming the spider, I discovered some new music (really the wrong word, there — the music existed before, so it’s not new; just new to me). Specifically an UK band, and I can send my thanks out to Ms. Dirty for posting a song of theirs …