30 Days of Paganism: 2. Beliefs — Cosmology

There are several definitions for the word cosmology (no, none of them are “the study of trashy magazines, marketed to women, with horrible sex advice”), but generally speaking in theology the one that’s meant is this one: “A specific theory or model of the origin and evolution of the universe.” Put in simpler terms, “What …

Flagellation (and Beltane elucidation)

This is a post I wanted to do back when the F first came up. However, I had very little time or energy and no practical experience in using flagellation for religious purposes. (Fun, on the other hand…well. That’s another story.) This post deals with Sacred BDSM and Godslavery; if this squicks you or you …

Beltane 2012

I have Plans for tomorrow (er, today; whatever I haven’t slept yet so it’s still tomorrow). In my constantly evolving personal practice, I worship a Sacred Triad of deities: Brighid, Manannan, and the Morrigan. Each has a holiday: Imbolc, Samhain, and Beltane, respectively. (Each also has a shift of some sort — flamekeeping for Brighid …