30 Days of Paganism: Patrons

I already talked about one of my patrons on the Patronage and Deeper Relationships post, so this one is just going to be a quick list of the patrons I currently have and what They rule over/why They’re my patron. Brighid Brighid is the patron of my writing and my pursuit of writing as a …

Losing Time; Gaining Inspiration

Where did November go? I swear I just started it. This is a huge problem for me, quite often. I just…lose time. It’s like being abducted by aliens. I look at the clock and it’s two; I look again and it’s ten. I’ve lost eight hours to…I don’t even know. And it stretches on, into …

Depression, and how The Doctor helps me fight it

I might be clothed in sin But I’m more than the sum of the scars upon my skin I am more than the hurt of the words within my head I am more than the size of the colours in my mind I am more than the screams of the shadows in my dreams I …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 39: Something that inspires you.

The Anticraft. (Maaaay not be safe for work, depending on where you work.) I mean, it quite literally inspires me to do things. I’ve made their Swamp Witch shawl and the Life and Death backpack already, and have a huge list of other things I want to try. All filed away in my Witch / …