Losing Time; Gaining Inspiration

Where did November go? I swear I just started it. This is a huge problem for me, quite often. I just…lose time. It’s like being abducted by aliens. I look at the clock and it’s two; I look again and it’s ten. I’ve lost eight hours to…I don’t even know. And it stretches on, into …


Truly humbled and amazed; Friday’s blog post about Eve brought 163 views to my blog in one day (and another 32 yesterday). That means that Friday was my busiest day yet. Thanks to all my readers. I hope I can continue to produce content that you all enjoy so much. Posts you can look forward …

I won a lovely blog award! (Why, I’m not sure. But I did!)

SatSekhem gave this to me, with a very sweet note. I blushed. A lot. Rules 1. You must thank the person in your blog entry that awarded you the award. (Done!) 2. You have to list seven things that make you happy. (See below.) 3. You then tag seven blogs that you think qualify for …

Realizing a dream: The Fifth Sacred Thing film

One of my favourite books by one of my favourite authors (The Fifth Sacred Thing by Starhawk) is being made into a film. Probably. There’s a Kickstarter page for it, and if they raise the amount of money needed by the date listed they’ll be able to go ahead with the project. It’s very likely …

A bit of light-hearted fun: Conversations with iGod

Ali posted her conversation with iGod, an AI chat machine that thinks it’s God, and it was so funny I thought I’d do my own. Me: Sup dude. God: Not much is going on. I was waiting for you. Me: That’s kind of creepy. God: Makes sense to me. Me: It would. God: would? Me: I’m calling you a creeper. God: Just don’t …