30 Days of Paganism: Beliefs – The power of prayer/reciprocity

Prayer has always been a tricky thing for me but lately it seems to be getting easier. I’m getting over the blocks in my head that had prevented me from really praying to the gods. Prayer is not a coin you put into a god to get the result you want. It’s a form of …

30 Days of Paganism: 3. Beliefs — Deities

In the faith I’m building there are three main deities — I call Them the Sacred Triad. Instead of dualism, I base my faith on the number three. Sky, land, sea. Birth, life, death. Heavens, Earth, Underworld. Fire, blood, water. Brighid is the sky, the bright flame, inspiration and the beginning of all things. She …

Appellomancy, or the magic of names

I won’t lie; the inspiration for this post came from the webcomic Oglaf (if you haven’t seen it before, I warn you — extremely NSFW in many places; it is an adult webcomic). But, if you’ve been reading me for a while, you know that names are important to me. So I want to talk …

Samhain, part 2: Embracing God the Father

Remember when I said Manannan wasn’t a thwap? I’m thinking perhaps I was wrong. He’s been very clear, the past month, what He wants from me this Samhain. He wants me to to do a ritual in which I accept His foster-fatherhood over me, and renounce my biological sire for good. Mind, I did do …

The Guilt Cycle

I have done nothing this month. Somehow the entire month is gone already, and I have done nothing. (Spiritually. I’ve been busy in other areas. Very busy.) The severance ritual has been postponed to…tonight? Is the current plan. Probably a good thing, as I had a lightbulb moment about it that happened today. But on …

Blood Sacrifice

Finally doing that B post that I was missing! Trigger warning for discussion of cutting. Warning for discussion of blood and blood sacrifice. On June 23rd, at sunset, I had a Landbinding shift. This is one of the once-every-20-days shift that I’ve come up with to complement my Flamekeeping shifts with Brighid — Landbinding is …