“Queering Paganism,” or Let Your Freak Flag Fly

So, I read this blog post this week, and I really want to address the idea that we, as pagans, need to make ourselves normal to break away from negative stereotypes. (Note: I’m not singling out this blog post for any reason other than it happens to be the most recent thing I’ve read that …

Quote of the Day, August 17th, 2012

Faith can be a sickle too, and it can cut the vines that continuously impede my growth and suffocate. There is much work to do in tending such a seed. Cleaning, weeding, pest control, over extending metaphor control. But it is very worth the work to tend such a perfect and beautiful potential. —Odelia Ivy


There seems to be conflation with innocence and purity, and I believe that’s a Victorian idea still lingering around, wrecking the place and never paying rent. It’s wrong. I don’t really know how else to put it. We often describe kids as innocent but if you’ve spent any time around kids you know they’re anything …

The Gods Are Not Your Playthings — A Rant

There’s this attitude, mentioned briefly in this post, that I see a lot in pagandom and it drives me up the fracking wall. It’s the attitude that the gods are our playthings. Of course my god pays attention to me 24/7! He loves me!  Yeah, she’s totally helping me get the guy of my dreams. …

Let Go and Let the Gods

My old church had a saying: “Let go, and let God.” Even though I was pagan while attending said church, I always loved that saying, and tried to apply it in my daily life. It’s difficult. Letting go and letting the gods. Putting faith in anything except yourself. When you spend [what feels like] your …

Fat-Shaming In Pagandom — a story

I want to share this story from a friend of mine. Back in May, my friend — let’s call her Rachel — went to a Beltaine celebration. This celebration was attended by various mutual friends of ours; bunch of local pagans. Rachel has food allergies and eating disorders. Most notably, she’s a recovering anorexic and …

The Fat-Shaming War Continues — News From the Frontlines

Some of you may remember my post, “Obesity,” or Fuck Off, Pagan Concern Trolls. In it I take well-known pagan and supposed pagan elder Peter Dybing to task for his fat shaming in this post (EDIT as of August 14th, 2012 — Dybing has deleted his post, for some unfathomable reason, but it’s still available on …

Persephone, and becoming your own person

When I was a child I was obsessed with the myth of Persephone’s descent. I read all the sanitized versions, of course, and so came to associate Her descent with my own — having to visit my abusive father for access weekends and, later, seasons. (Family law is mainly concerned with working around the needs and …

Apparently I’m inspiring!

I was given a Very Inspiring Blogger Award by Waldhexe and Sky at Seastruck by the Crossroads. I’m blushing. With the blood of my enemies, according to Danny. 😉 So. The rules are as follows: 1. Display the award certificate on your website. CHECK. 2. Announce your win with a post and include a link …