Eve (yeah, THAT one, the one from the Bible) from a pagan feminist perspective

Eve, she wants to know things Eve, she wants to know things Eve, she wants to know why we’re belly down, you’re not supposed to think  –Eve’s Song, Dyonisis [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYVeisnY3U0] I’ve been listening to this song a lot the past week and a half, and something occurred to me yesterday when my mom was visiting. …

(PBP catch-up) The Ancestors are Thirsty

I started giving water to my ancestors/Mighty Dead this week. I don’t know; it just seemed time. I’ve been dealing with a lot of ancestor stuff in the past months, and there’s this sense of release. I had so much trouble connecting with dad’s side of the family, but since he cut me out of …


(I think we all saw this one coming.) I heard about PantheaCon 2012 (no, I did not attend though I wanted to), picked up my ten-foot pole, put down my ten-foot pole, and walked away calmly. (Wording stolen from a friend.) Then I came back screaming holding a blue bucket. Because apparently, I cannot leave …

Arachne and Her Children

Since choosing a name, one that literally means I’m becoming the spider, I discovered some new music (really the wrong word, there — the music existed before, so it’s not new; just new to me). Specifically an UK band, and I can send my thanks out to Ms. Dirty for posting a song of theirs …

Name Chosen!

Some of you may have noticed that I’ve chosen my name for this blog and all of Pagandom  (which, I think, is the word I shall be using for the erstwhile pagan community; it’s shorter than “Wizarding World” and doesn’t hold as many possible copyright issues). I went with Spinner. There were two yes comments …

Follow-up on Dedication Blogs

I’ve followed through with my idea to create different dedication blogs to my gods, and have created one so far. Milk and Honey: life serving Brighid. Only one post so far, but there should be another one on next Sunday. The link to this blog and the others (as I make them) will be appearing …

Aspberger’s, boundaries, and alienation from pagandom

Roughly a month ago, Star Foster wrote a post on being pagan and having Aspberger’s. I wanted to cry when I read it because it speaks so clearly to my own experience. I have Aspberger’s. Like Star, I haven’t had a diagnosis from a doctor (for various reasons)*, but I have taken the DSM-IV test …

Experiences with Devotional Dance

A while back I purchased T. Thorn Coyle‘s Devotional Dance DVD so I could start working through Evolutionary Witchcraft and actually know what the heck I was doing. (I can’t learn dance moves from a book. I just can’t.) It arrived right before I left for Orlando, so I promised myself I’d start with dancing …