Challenge Accepted (Ms. Dirty’s Holy Supper Challenge)

Note: this post was originally posted at my old pagan-tumblr. I decided to put it here as well, in the interest of having all my things at my main blog. I’ve decided to accept this challenge. One of my quests is to find family and create new traditions; I have very little to cling to …

Samonis 2011: Back to Basics

Samonis, the November Feast It’s the end of the year tonight, and tomorrow Winter begins and the Hag rules. Tonight the ancestors come and feast with the living. The veil between the worlds is thin, and you must be careful not to get lost in a place you can’t return from. This is my favourite …

A favourite scent

Pine needles. When I lived in Hawaii we couldn’t afford to buy a real pine tree every year for solstice, so we got a fake one. In order to make things more real, we also bought a spray to be used on said tree that would make it smell like a real pine tree. When …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 14: A favourite pagan holiday that you celebrate.

I wish I had an uncomplicated answer for this. My favourite holiday has long been Halloween, from before becoming a Witch, because it was the one holiday that people couldn’t ruin for me. I hated Christmas with a passion. Now that I’m older, I find I don’t actually celebrate Halloween in a pagan fashion. The …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 8: A Photo of a Magical Place Outdoors

So, really, almost every place outdoors is magical. According to me, at least. However, Lake Sasamat is truly magical — tis the hosting ground for not only the Gathering for Life on Earth, but also Pirates and Fairies – two witchy/pagany events with rituals galore, that happen every year. The place is practically crackling with …

Ostara (2011)

So I’ve had a very…depressing month. Teachers at my school are on strike right now and it’s sort of drained all my energy and will to do anything. I haven’t posted blogs, I haven’t done homework, I haven’t written anything, and I sure as hell haven’t really been a Witch. On the list of things …

Imbolc 2011: plans

I have two major plans for Imbolc this year, aside from the Cill’s group flame keeping from sunset on the 31st to sunset on the 2nd (my shift starts at sunset on the 3rd, so I’m just going to keep the flame straight for a week, basically). One is a Lady of the Stars Ritual, …


Lughnasadh has never before mattered to me as first a NeoWiccan, and later just a Celtic Witch. I’ve never felt the need to celebrate it — much like Imbolc, it just occupied a fire festival slot and I sort of went “Eh, whatever,” when it came and went each year. My favored holidays have long …

Fires of Purification (retropost)

Note: I wrote this back in January, for the print and online magazine Immanence, which I helped birth in Powell River. I used to have a regular column called the Isis Crisis1, which focused on Goddess worship in the past and present. Each issue I would do an article on a particular Goddess, with some …