Expelling the Venom

A lesson I have yet to learn: other people’s advice is never as good as my own intuition.  On Saturday night I went with some friends to their belated Full Moon ritual. They’re just starting their ATC practice, so it was the first time they were doing an ATC Full Moon ritual. It was pretty …

Being Brutally Honest

I made a commitment to myself at some point this year. Not a new year’s resolution, because I don’t believe in those and it’s a stupid time to make resolutions, anyway, but a commitment. I committed to being brutally honest. You weren’t already? you all exclaim, shocked and horrified. No, I wasn’t. I didn’t talk …

The Key

I wear a key around my neck. It rests on a chain next to a silver and gold (or gold and white gold; can’t tell) snake pendant and a gold ring with a small sapphire in it (that has never fit me, so on my necklace it stays). The key itself is silver colored, and …

I am angry. (Trigger Warning)

Trigger Warning: rape. I am a bee head-butting the aggressor; a snake poised to strike; a cat with its ruff all up, pupils gone large, claws extended. I was just upset. Upset as in sort of sad, sort of disappointed. I was just that, just that lower amount of emotion, that lower energy output of …

Cunctatitis (or, the disease of procrastination)

I had a real struggle with this week’s Pagan Blog Project. I could not, for the life of me, think of anything that started with a C. All I could think about was procrastination, my constant companion throughout my spiritual life. Enter my super-nerdy boyfriend, informing me there IS a word that starts with C …

June 3rd–4th Flamekeeping Shift: report

I didn’t sleep for this shift. At all. I had a migraine on the 3rd, and I went back to bed at 4:30 pm (after waking up at 2:30pm) and slept until 9:30pm. The migraine was gone (and again I wondered how I had forgotten what life was like before the migraine — this one …

Mayday. M’aidez. HELP. Oil in the water. Oil in the marsh. SOS. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO DIE. (via The Ladies’ Guide to the Apocalypse)

I just got home from Point-Aux-Chenes again. I’ve been there four days now, tagging along for various things. This video below is one of them. Which is huge f-in news for the Little People, the hoi polloi, the regular folk who don’t know their voice is so much stronger than the corporation which is currently …