Know Thyself — response to a challenge

This is inspired by Aisling’s post about a week ago. I took on her challenge and have come up with a list of 10 things that are kind of essential about me. Witch. Lover of justice. Broken. Slytherin. Writer. Stubborn. Mean streak a mile wide and deeper still. Genderqueer. Addictive personality. Superiority complex. This list …


We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience. —Pierre Teilhard de Chardin That quote may seem rather cliché, especially to many pagans (or anyone who listens to that idiot Wayne Dyer), but it’s always rung true for me on some level. Sure, I am human, and …

The Key

I wear a key around my neck. It rests on a chain next to a silver and gold (or gold and white gold; can’t tell) snake pendant and a gold ring with a small sapphire in it (that has never fit me, so on my necklace it stays). The key itself is silver colored, and …

Eve and Reproductive Rights

Something that a lot of pagans have always associated with fertility is the pomegranate. I’ve been to Beltane rituals that used pomegranate as a symbol of fertility; search “magic associations of pomegranate” and you’ll find several sites attesting to its good fertility magic. Even the New Age health nuts attest to its great fertility powers. …

I am angry. (Trigger Warning)

Trigger Warning: rape. I am a bee head-butting the aggressor; a snake poised to strike; a cat with its ruff all up, pupils gone large, claws extended. I was just upset. Upset as in sort of sad, sort of disappointed. I was just that, just that lower amount of emotion, that lower energy output of …

I used to be a “cool” rape victim. Until I wasn’t anymore.

TRIGGER WARNING. When I was 19, 20, 21 I was okay with rape jokes. I told them frequently. I laughed when others told them. And I often used the word rape to refer to anything but. I had been raped, at this point. I was a victim, survivor, whatever terminology is appropriate. I knew I …

Justice — it’s not an idle concept. It’s a responsibility.

While I wanted to do a post on Justice for a while, much of this post is inspired by this one, and adds to the argument presented there. TRIGGER WARNING for discussion of rape, abuse, murder, marginalization, etc; do not read the comments in some linked articles unless you have a strong stomach.  Witchcraft gives …