Faith in Fallow Times

I’m a week late on this PBP post. I could give you a rousing round of excuses, but it’s kind of pointless. Life happens, and I’m sure y’all don’t begrudge me the week of silence. I’m in a fallow time currently. It’s a fallow time of my own making; the mundane world is overshadowing the …

On Honoring Stories

‘The truth about stories is, that’s all we are. –Thomas King In First Nations Studies one of the most crucial things we learn is the importance of stories. Especially the stories of indigenous people, the stories of women, the stories of black people, the stories of hispanic people, the stories of the oppressed in every corner …

The Elements Path in Reclaiming

When one goes to Witchcamp, one has an option of several paths to walk while there. These paths vary from camp to camp, but the one that’s always offered is The Elements Path, because it’s considered the foundation to practice within Reclaiming Witchcraft. I have a confession: I’ve only been to Witchcamp once, and I …

Melissa’s 2012 Witches and Witchcraft Reading Challenge sign-up

Because one challenge certainly isn’t enough. No, I’m doing another one. It has a prize! And while I could technically use the books from the other challenge for this one, I’m not going to — because of suggestions made in the comments of the other list, and I really like pushing myself. Also I’ll be done …

Depression, and how The Doctor helps me fight it

I might be clothed in sin But I’m more than the sum of the scars upon my skin I am more than the hurt of the words within my head I am more than the size of the colours in my mind I am more than the screams of the shadows in my dreams I …


Nyktipolos blogged about this for “A” in the Pagan Blog Project, and also the other day for Pithoigia, the first night of Anthesteria. This year, Pithoigia went from March 3rd to 4th, Choes from the 4th to 5th, and Chytroi from the 5th to 6th. I had planned on celebrating it and then completely forgot …

Pagan Culture’s 2012 Witchy Books Reading Challenge

Magaly Guerrero at Pagan Culture has created a Witchy Books reading challenge for 2012. I read about this a while ago and decided to do it, but haven’t posted till now because I hadn’t come up with my list of books. List of books finished, so consider this my announcement post. Most of these are …


Truly humbled and amazed; Friday’s blog post about Eve brought 163 views to my blog in one day (and another 32 yesterday). That means that Friday was my busiest day yet. Thanks to all my readers. I hope I can continue to produce content that you all enjoy so much. Posts you can look forward …