The Time of Culling

I’ve always had trouble with this time of year, from a “earth-worshiping-pagan-who-celebrates-Wiccish-holidays-more-or-less” standpoint. Lammas/Lughnasadh and the Autumn Equinox always feel so disconnected to me. They really shouldn’t, because they are actually at the perfect time for harvest in the climate into which I was born — there’s a reason Canadian Thanksgiving is in early October, …

Beltane 2012

I have Plans for tomorrow (er, today; whatever I haven’t slept yet so it’s still tomorrow). In my constantly evolving personal practice, I worship a Sacred Triad of deities: Brighid, Manannan, and the Morrigan. Each has a holiday: Imbolc, Samhain, and Beltane, respectively. (Each also has a shift of some sort — flamekeeping for Brighid …

Game Day! (and by “game” I mean “festival”)

As you can no doubt tell by the little box to the right, Spring Mysteries Fest is upon us. Well, upon me, and upon you if you’re going, I suppose. If you’re not it’s just Easter. I’m excited about getting to attend because when I first heard about it, two years ago (I think? Time …

Samonis 2011: Back to Basics

Samonis, the November Feast It’s the end of the year tonight, and tomorrow Winter begins and the Hag rules. Tonight the ancestors come and feast with the living. The veil between the worlds is thin, and you must be careful not to get lost in a place you can’t return from. This is my favourite …

Solstice Morning

I tried to do an all night vigil for the sun last night. This did not happen. I was already dangerously low on spoons from several nights of bad sleep, so I ended up crashing at around three a.m., I think. Set my alarm for 7:45 and actually woke up (this tells you what a …