30 Days of Paganism: Community

I have reached a stage in my life where I am incredibly interested and concerned in/with building community. I’m getting married in a few months (terrifying); we’ll be having kids in a few years (even scarier); we’re settling down (whaaaat). What keeps coming to mind is the phrase “It takes a village” in reference to …

30 Days of Paganism: My ways of worship

You are the hole in my head You are the space in my bed You are the silence in between What I thought and what I said You are the night time fear You are the morning when it’s clear When it’s over you’re the start You’re my head, you’re my heart No Light, No …

30 Days of Paganism: The meaning of terms like “earth-based” and what they mean to this path

Ah, this old chestnut. The idea of pagan religions all being “earth-based” is actually a pretty persistent myth. As in, it’s not true, yet it’s the thing that comes up most often when people are trying to explain paganism to the layman. Of course, you need to actually examine what people mean when they say …

30 Days of Paganism: On finding a pantheon

Honestly…I didn’t really set out to find a pantheon. Ok, well, I did. But those searches became dead ends. At first I thought I might go Hellenic, but then I didn’t, and gave up on that path — until the Hellenic gods came into my life and were like HELLO, CAN WE BE PART OF …

Jumping on the Deily Bandwagon

So I just joined the site Deily. It’s an offshoot of Patheos, which I have my issues with, but Deily isn’t really a blogging platform. It’s sort of a social and education network where people can talk about their different religious beliefs and traditions. They’ve got a lot of different sections for different religions. There’s …

30 Days of Paganism: Pantheon — Hellenic Gods

I don’t honor all the gods of the Hellenic pantheon. There’s some evidence that They prefer you take the pantheon as a whole, but I have a geas on me from my Father that I shall have no interaction with Poseidon, unless I am absolutely forced into a situation where it is unavoidable — at …

30 Days of Paganism: Pantheon — Sacred Triad

I’m an eclectic pagan, so my overall pantheon is pretty…varied. I have three gods from one culture, and some from the Hellenic pantheon, and then there’s the Otherfaith and my D’Angeline Recon…right. Four separate pantheons; lots o’ gods. So instead of taking each of these pantheon posts as a chance to talk about an individual deity, …

30 Days of Paganism: Deity Gender

If you’ve spent any length of time here you know I could ramble on about gender for a loooong time (though I’m going to try to keep it short this time)…and that what I say now is totally subject to change a week, a month, or ten years down the road. My ideas regarding gender …

30 Days of Paganism: Holidays

This post is written from the perspective of someone who has lived in the Northern Hemisphere their entire life, and as such refers to the holidays accordingly.  Building my religious calendar is an ongoing, neverending process. When I started out in NeoPaganism it was the 8 sabbats of the Wheel of the Year and all …

30 Days of Paganism: Beliefs – Patronage and other deeper relationships

I suppose I’m odd in that I don’t consider patronage a particularly “deep” relationship. I mean, I did used to, when I first started out in paganism/polytheism and everyone else kept calling the Main Attraction in your pantheon your “patron” (or “matron”, which is even more wrong). Which, ok, whatever floats your boat, I guess, …