Practice Makes Progress: April 1st to 15th

It’s been a while since my last post, and even longer since my last Practice Makes Progress post, which I’d hoped to make a regular feature. Mea culpa. Life’s been weird. I’m sure it has been for you too. In my last post I mentioned moving up to Powell River to help take care of …

30 Days of Paganism: Pantheon — Hellenic Gods

I don’t honor all the gods of the Hellenic pantheon. There’s some evidence that They prefer you take the pantheon as a whole, but I have a geas on me from my Father that I shall have no interaction with Poseidon, unless I am absolutely forced into a situation where it is unavoidable — at …

Finding and Marking the Days

I’m not where I’m supposed to be this weekend. It’s Easter, which normally means Spring Mysteries Fest. However, I didn’t have the funds to attend this year. So I am at home, with the Ogre, working, watching movies, and doing very little of anything. Because it’s Easter, and going out to do anything this weekend …


I have a bit of a geas on me (at least, one I’m aware of). It’s not one that will trigger my death if I break it, but if I do, it will trigger the end of my relationship with my Lord Manannan, my Father — and honestly, that would be a fate worse than …

Scattered (anxiety, Spring Mysteries Fest)

I’ve been severely attention-different the past week and a half. I’m also suffering almost daily anxiety attacks that sort of never end, so that’s not really helping me focus on anything. Anyway, I leave in 2 days for Spring Mysteries Fest. I actually get to go! Yay! Mom doesn’t, however, which is very sad and …

Restlessness and Ramblings

If you’re visiting the blog itself and not reading from a feed or email, you probably notice something different. As in, the entire theme. I get bored easily. I’m a creature of change. I like flame because it’s never static. I need earth in my life just to centre me and ground me long enough …

Becoming My Own Person — a ritual with Persephone and Hades

A week ago Friday I posted about Persephone, and becoming my own person. I said I was going to do a ritual to cut myself away from my abusive father, because I was tired of being hurt by him. I did the ritual on Monday the 13th, the eve of my 26th birthday, the last …

Let Go and Let the Gods

My old church had a saying: “Let go, and let God.” Even though I was pagan while attending said church, I always loved that saying, and tried to apply it in my daily life. It’s difficult. Letting go and letting the gods. Putting faith in anything except yourself. When you spend [what feels like] your …