Jukebox, mental illness, ritual, and community

then she drinks herself up and out of her kitchen chair and she dances out of time as slow as she can sway as long as she can say this dance is mine this dance is mine One of my favourite musical artists is Ani DiFranco. She’s a folk-rock-political singer-songwriter-righteous babe-freak. The first song I …

The Time of Culling

I’ve always had trouble with this time of year, from a “earth-worshiping-pagan-who-celebrates-Wiccish-holidays-more-or-less” standpoint. Lammas/Lughnasadh and the Autumn Equinox always feel so disconnected to me. They really shouldn’t, because they are actually at the perfect time for harvest in the climate into which I was born — there’s a reason Canadian Thanksgiving is in early October, …

Psuedonyms, Privilege, and Accountability

Trigger warning: mention of rape, abuse, death threats, e-bullying; use of a word that’s often used as a slur as description of sexual orientation; privilege denying people. I had two separate run-ins, arguments, disagreements, whatever, with two different people this summer. The arguments were about completely different things, but each person holds the belief that …

Quan Yin, compassion, and lovingkindness

A while ago I was having tea and knitting time with a school friend of mine and her parents. They’re lovely, amazing people, and I got to talk a lot with them about my work for the Gods — specifically Brighid. I got an email from my friend’s mother a while after our meeting, and …

Covered in Light and my experience veiling today

A scarf does not oppress people. People oppress people. -Covered in Light Today is the Covered in Light International Day (or International Choice to Veil Day), an event started by Covered in Light in order to give support to women who choose to veil their hair for religious reasons. Basically, women who choose to veil …

It’s the little things.

Trigger warning: rape, eating disorders, fatphobia, abuse I have a lot of trauma triggers. Some of them are big. Some, not so big. The big ones are ones more likely to be shared with a lot of other people — rape, abuse, etc — and as such are ones that I actually talk about, as …

Dream Record, August 23rd 2012

I slept for a long time last night. I went to bed at 8pm, and woke up around seven this morning. I’m still tired, and could probably sleep for another twelve hours, truth be told. I don’t have the time, because today is my drive to Seattle, but I could. I had a really vivid …

A Picture from Pride

I’m pretty swamped and exhausted today, and don’t really have anything of substance to post for y’all. So I’m sharing the one picture of me from Vancouver Pagan Pride, wherein I’m participating in the Aquarian Tabernacle Church ritual (I called in South; this is not what’s happening in the photo, as we did cross-quarters).

The Pronoun Thing

Back in my post about the inspiring blog award I received I mentioned that, while I’m genderqueer, I’m still using female pronouns for now, because I was female-assigned-at-birth and it’s what I’ve grown up with. That’s changed. Something about my birthday created a change in me. (My birthday and, probably, my ritual to Persephone and …

Becoming My Own Person — a ritual with Persephone and Hades

A week ago Friday I posted about Persephone, and becoming my own person. I said I was going to do a ritual to cut myself away from my abusive father, because I was tired of being hurt by him. I did the ritual on Monday the 13th, the eve of my 26th birthday, the last …