30 Days of Paganism: Personal aesthetics with magic and ritual

I admit it. I’m a fan of camp. I’m a fan of the hollywood view of witches. I love the 90s Witch Boom and the sort of grunge-gothic look that went with it. (This is probably why I like Charmed so much, even with all its problems. It does capture the 90s Witch Boom feeling.) …

30 Days of Paganism: Ethics

This is actually a kind of raw topic for me right now, so I’m going to try to be as brief as possible on it. I can sum up my ethics thusly: Be excellent to each other. Don’t be a dick. Consent matters; boundaries matter. Protect your own. These can contradict each other, and do …

“There is no blue without yellow and without orange.”

What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? Lately I have been struggling a lot with depression and suicidal ideation. I go through periods of this; right now it’s brought on by severe stress from work, wedding, and lack of money. I was reduced to tears at work on Saturday and …

30 Days of Paganism: Paganism and major life events

This post’s topic can really be parsed down into “How do your religion and major life events intersect?” Which is a fair question; most mainstream religions have things in place for major life events. In many pagan religions there’s a lot of bootstrapping, of figuring out your own path, of deciding what major life events …

30 Days of Paganism: Other paths I’ve explored

This should be a pretty short post. I’ve explored and learned about many other religions, but very few have I looked at with the actual intent of going further than just “studying because I’m interested”. I’ve taken religion classes and done my own studying of other religions. But honestly, I haven’t really strayed from some …

30 Days of Paganism: Paganism and my relationship

Ogre was raised by a woman who was trained in the Gardnerian line of Wicca and is very involved in the local pagan scene. He’s spent his life involved in pagan events of some stripe or another, so there were zero problems in his accepting my paganism when we started dating. In fact, we met at …

Today I am doing nothing of import

Well, except getting my driver’s licence renewed. There’s that. But no, today is my birthday, and I’m going to let myself relax. I was pretty depressed about my birthday this year. I think just because I’ve been depressed in general. I’m pretty much in the middle of a long-ass depressive episode, and no idea when …

30 Days of Paganism: Paganism and my family/friends

I’ve already talked about this a lot in my previous posts, but I’ll revisit it. I was raised pagan, basically, with a Buddhist mom who was friendly to more pagan-y things, and a friend of hers I called Auntie M. who introduced me to goddess spirituality and empathic healing and oracle reading, and gifted me …

30 Days of Paganism: Community

I have reached a stage in my life where I am incredibly interested and concerned in/with building community. I’m getting married in a few months (terrifying); we’ll be having kids in a few years (even scarier); we’re settling down (whaaaat). What keeps coming to mind is the phrase “It takes a village” in reference to …

30 Days of Paganism: My ways of worship

You are the hole in my head You are the space in my bed You are the silence in between What I thought and what I said You are the night time fear You are the morning when it’s clear When it’s over you’re the start You’re my head, you’re my heart No Light, No …