Weekly Ritual, January 9th

Super-creative post title, I know. Sat down and did my ritual a few minutes ago. I was in excruciating tooth pain for most of the afternoon and unable to function. The pain finally subsided enough for me to feel a bit more human again, so I set up my portable altar and did it. I …


Mom and I got caught up in watching things together last night after a business meeting that fried my brain, and I didn’t do my ritual. I’m going to put something together today instead. Also, as a warning/heads up, the theme here may change. I’m getting restless again.

Sunset from the ferry and a crescent moon

On my trip up to my mother’s home I took some pictures on the ferry. I was going to post them here on Monday but I forgot; here they are, a few days late. (It’s been completely gray and cloudy since these pictures were taken, so this also serves as a bit of a pick-me-up …

Steps to making 2014 better

I’m participating in a different blogging project this year — The Cauldron Blog Project. It arose out of discussion among the various TCers who were doing PBP. Some of us wanted something a bit different from the alphabet posts; some of us wanted to do PBP as well as something more focused on something we …

Winter Solstice Celebrations, 2013

Tonight I’ll be heading to a huge annual Yule party held by friends of mine. There will be a turkey dinner, various other foods, some booze, carousing, Rock Band and karaoke, me being antisocial on my computer from time to time as I pop in on TC’s Up All Night revels in chat (well, ok, …

Giving up on PBP

I’ve decided to give up on the Pagan Blog Project. Withdraw my horse from the race. Take my Pokémon out of the … uh. Whatever Pokémon fight in; I’m not a Pokémon fan. This isn’t because I don’t think the project is a good idea. I think it’s a great one. I just don’t think it’s great …

The Wounded Healer

The concept of the wounded healer is a really helpful one for me. I am a fucking mess. I have mental breakdowns on a weekly basis; I often forget to take my meds several days in a row; I basically can’t handle normal human interaction like telephone calls or just, you know, having people see …

Orgasm Magic

This post is probably NSFW or even life and I’m not exactly holding back on the sex talk, so be warned.  Some of the most powerful spells I’ve done have been via orgasm. I don’t call it sex magic, though. Often sex magic makes people think specifically of sex with another person magic and I …

There is no such thing as a square god

This post is in response to something Star Foster wrote recently, which frankly is full of vicim-blamey, ableist, classist nonsense. But don’t let me tell you what to think! Read it all right here. Comments aren’t enabled, so instead of politely pointing out how I think she’s wrong in the comments (yes, I am polite …