2011 Annual Brighid Poetry Festival: Prophecy

I wrote this last year, but it’s my only piece of devotional poetry for Brighid (so far). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prophecy She spoke to me in a tongue of flame, light flickering along the edges of my soul. Like a dam bursting, Her words freed the truth already locked within me. Desperation flew as the lies of …

Cave of Wonders addition

My mom got me this necklace from her holiday trip to Nicaragua. I love it because it reminds me of both Brighid and a Native Medicine Wheel (and I’m getting more and more involved in Native ideas and beliefs now that I’m taking First Nations Studies). It’s quite amazing how well some aboriginal ideas fit …

tonight my heart is cold

Sometimes I wish I was Catholic. Or, rather, I wish I had the same sort of vehicle for purging my negative emotions as confession. To be able to go to a respected elder and say “Forgive me, for I have sinned. I have allowed weakness to infect me. I have fallen lax in my spiritual …

Solstice Morning

I tried to do an all night vigil for the sun last night. This did not happen. I was already dangerously low on spoons from several nights of bad sleep, so I ended up crashing at around three a.m., I think. Set my alarm for 7:45 and actually woke up (this tells you what a …

The Detangling of Yarn

I just spent half an hour detangling some seriously knotted yarn. Yarn detangling isn’t boring; it’s just tedious. It’s interesting to note just how tangled your yarn is, and wonder at how you got it to be so tangled – but that interest wanes quickly, and then you detangle your yarn while thinking I don’t …

Ritual Debrief: November 20th-21st encounter with the Lady of the Stars (Long post, beware)

My last post talked about prep for my introductory ritual with the Lady of the Stars, or Brighid. I haven’t posted the debrief until now because I’m actually quite bad with the whole follow-through thing, but I’m working on that. I did write up my experience directly after it happened, however, and I’ll be posting …

Ritual prep

Best friend and I went and scouted out a place for me to do the ritual yesterday morning. She’ll be sitting in the car waiting for me to finish when I do the ritual tonight, with instructions to find me if I don’t come back within an hour and a half to two hours. The …

A bit of light-hearted fun: Conversations with iGod

Ali posted her conversation with iGod, an AI chat machine that thinks it’s God, and it was so funny I thought I’d do my own. Me: Sup dude. God: Not much is going on. I was waiting for you. Me: That’s kind of creepy. God: Makes sense to me. Me: It would. God: would? Me: I’m calling you a creeper. God: Just don’t …

By leaps and bounds

I got my ADF materials shortly before Samhain (which was not the best Samhain I’ve ever had, but I don’t want to get into that right now). I started doing Brigantia’s Celtic Devotions in the morning and evening, and I’ve been a lot more centred since starting those. Have yet to anything bigger than those …

Well, I’ve done it.

I just sent in my membership form to ADF. In a few weeks I’ll have my membership packet of materials. I’m feeling pretty tingly and nervous. (Also, apologies for so long without an update. My Oma died at the end of August, and between that and getting back to school and the upheavals there, all …